A children’s yoga school built on connection and community.

Imagine what your life would have been like if you learned the tools you have now at a younger age.


You don’t need to be a fancy yoga instructor teach to young people yoga, but training helps. Our trainings are for you if…

  • You want to share the practice of yoga with young people

  • You are interested in the way trauma interacts with the body and mind

  • You are committed to helping them feel physically and emotionally safer in class

Why train with us?

We aren’t your average yoga instructors, and this isn’t your average teacher training program. When you train with us, you get a well-rounded youth yoga education that will benefit you wherever your journey takes you. Here are three reasons why:

  1. We are not a yoga brand or a yoga studio.

    We think we are pretty awesome at teaching kids yoga, we do admit that, but we don’t believe there is an absolute way to do anything. We teach teachers, not outlines or scripts. When you train with us, you know that we are training you because we believe in you not just in the material in our manuals. Our trainees graduate from our trainings confident enough to create their own classes and lead with a style that matches their authentic selves.

  2. Our program was developed by a trauma-sensitive mental health professional.

    In the world today it is essential to have an understanding of trauma and mental health. Courtney Hart, developer of our training is not only a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher but also a licensed child and adolescent therapist with years of experience working with children and teens. Courtney has worked in a variety of settings and with children with a variety of histories and challenges. When we created this training, we developed it so that teachers could lead their students with instruction that feels welcoming and supportive.

  3. We value connection, collaboration, and community.

    We are lucky to have a wonderful network of yoga instructors, teacher trainers, educators, administrators, clinicians, doctors, parents, and more. We are frequently working together with others, and we bring that sense of community into our trainings. When you train with us, you become a part of the TIL family. In this community, you will find support and connection, things we are hard-wired to need to thrive in this life. We have a growing online community of yoga instructors and a variety of resources to connect you with to help you grow.

Upcoming Training Alert!

June 15-16, 2024: Weekend Intensive with Courtney Hart at Yoga Centric, Bel Air, MD

Gain the skills and confidence to teach yoga to children ages 5 and up! Perfect for educators, counselors, and parents, you will finish this training ready to teach basic yoga postures to young people while you use games, songs, and activities to keep your classes engaging!

  • Saturday, June 15, 2024: 11:00am to 7:30pm

  • Sunday June 16, 2024: 9:30am-6:30pm

  • Investment: $350
    Participants are eligible for a 20-hour certificate from Therefore I Learn with the completion of an additional 3-hour self-paced course online within one month of training. Yoga Alliance CEs available.

Get certified.

Certification means different things to different people, and we understand that your level of interest in trainings may vary based on your unique goals as a youth yoga instructor. To become certified, you simply attend the weekend instruction with our lead instructors, and then complete any virtual or at home assignments required for your specific training. Once you have completed your hours, finished up any assignments and paid any remaining balance, you will receive a beautiful, personalized, signed certification from Therefore I Learn to display!

RYCS - Yoga Alliance

We are a Registered Children’s Yoga School with the Yoga Alliance. When you complete our advanced yoga training (95 hours), an approved 200-hour yoga teacher training, and then 30 hours of teaching, you will be eligible to registered as a Children’s Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance.

CEs - Yoga Alliance

If you are already a certified yoga teacher registered with the Yoga Alliance and you attend a 40-hour training with us but don’t want to get your advanced children’s yoga certification, we can provide you with Continuing Education Credits to keep your registration active.